
Get to know BAPAURA – Supporting renovation in France

Introducing BAPAURA – a European project funded by Horizon2020 to support energy renovation in the French region of Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes.

Get to know BAPAURA – Supporting renovation in France

On an autumn day in 2020, national and regional agencies from  Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes got together to find a solution to the energy transition challenge. The cooperation between the French Agency for Ecological Transition, ADEME, the Regional Agency for Energy and Environment and AURA-EE brought to life BAPAURA, an initiative aimed at supporting energy renovation in the region.

BAPAURA is a project intended to support the renovation of public buildings from municipalities in the region of Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes. The project is made possible thanks to the European Union financial support of €23,627,000 over a period of three years. The investment will go towards the renovation of public buildings that will be made energy efficient by the end of the project.

Starting in 2021, a platform has been set up to provide consultancy to regional projects. BAPAURA has set up a toolbox providing developers with the necessary knowledge to realise sustainable and energy-efficient renovations. In 2022, BAPAURA will continue to support individual projects whilst enhancing its toolbox. By 2023, its case studies will be presented to other territories and regions, thus, promoting best practices in energy renovations.

The BAPAURA project is included in the European Union’s research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020. BAPAURA will be receiving €23million out of the €95.5 billion unblocked for H2020, making it a generous contribution to the project.

Want to find out if your region is part of the project? Check out the website.

Also, read BAPAURA’s first newsletter and follow their journey.