FEDARENE supports and participates in many projects and initiatives!

FEDARENE participates in European projects and initiatives alongside its members and other European organisations. The following projects focus on capacity-building, market facilitation, policy implementation and replication of best practices amongst others.

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Energy Communities Facility

The EU Energy Communities Facility (ENERCOM Facility) has been designed to provide direct support to energy communities

Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

16 years since the first Covenant of Mayors ceremony, the initiative prepares for a new era in which implementation of the European Green Deal at local level will take centre stage.


Energy Communities for Industrial Parks

Crete Energy Valley

CRETE VALLEY aims to create a Renewable Energy Valley ‘Living Lab’ (REV-Lab) in Crete.


Establishment of CRoatian One-Stop-Shop facility in North-West Croatia


Innovative Supporting schemes for community-Led Energy Transition in the small islands of the Mediterranean


Improving Clean Energy Transition planning at local and regional level


An innovative integrated home renovation service for private residential buildings to be validated in the Basque Country and with a high replicability potential in Europe. This will be achieved by setting up “district offices” as one-stop-shops to facilitate turn-key solutions to homeowners, covering the whole customer journey.

EU Peers

EU Peers – European Community of One-Stop-Shops for Home Energy Renovation: a project that aims to support the development and promotion of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) as key tools for accelerating residential energy renovation in the European Union. EU Peers plans to create a European Community of Practice comprising IHRS practitioners and other members, with the goal of strengthening and expanding the IHRS concept.


Delivering the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change. The Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt) supports European regional and local authorities to prepare and plan their adaptation pathways to climate resilience.

Energy Efficiency Watch 5

Through the development of enabling narratives and a policy dialogue platform, the Energy Efficiency Watch 5 (EEW5) promotes the Green Deal as the masterplan for a just transition and as the new EU growth strategy.

ManagEnergy – Leaders in Energy Transition

The European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies


Implementing the Energy Efficiency First Principle in Regional Planning


Integrated Energy, Climate and Spatial planning to enable local and regional authorities to effectively implement their plan. #LifeINPLAN


The ConnectHeat project will develop an enabling policy framework for the development of community energy initiatives, aiming at decarbonising the heating and cooling (H&C) sector in 7 target areas located within a wide geographical spread.

LIFE European City Facility

(LIFE) European City Facility (EUCF), financed under the LIFE Programme, is the new and enhanced chapter of the already successful European City Faciliy, financed under the H2020 programme. We will keep providing tailored technical and financial support to municipalities for their sustainable energy projects.


REGILIENCE project aims to foster the adoption and wide dissemination of regional climate resilience pathways, following a demand-driven approach and bearing in mind the expertise and knowledge acquired, as well as the solutions available from Innovation Packages and other sources.

Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy – Europe (2020 – 2024)

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is the world’s largest movement for local and regional climate and energy actions. It brings together over 10.000 cities all over Europe, committing together to reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

Energy communities repository

The Energy communities repository will become the European advisory and information hub monitoring energy communities across Member States in the EU.


ePLANET aims to improve the coordination between local authorities and regional governments by fostering the digitalisation of energy data available in dispersed data sources.

Smart EPC

Smart EPC enables the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities.

REMARKABLE Climate Leaders

REMARKABLE Climate Leaders will support local leaders to deliver a step change in progress towards carbon neutrality by 2050 in 7 regions across Europe.


PROSPECT+ enables capacity building in regional and local authorities in order to finance and implement effective and efficient sustainable energy plans, including their proper monitoring and verification and ensuring that such plans are using synergies from other local plans and that their effects are properly monitored.

SuperHomes 2030

The SuperHomes 2030 project aims to dramatically scale this service over 3 years, increasing completed retrofits from 100 houses in 2019 (€6M) to 500 houses in 2023 (€36M).

Green Hysland

GREEN HYSLAND aims to create the first green hydrogen ecosystem in the Balearic Islands (Spain). It will produce, generate and distribute 300 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year thanks to solar energy on the island of Mallorca.


ENERGee WATCH is a European project of peer-to-peer learning program enabling regional and local authorities to properly define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions.

European City Facility

The European City Facility is set up under the Horizon 2020 Programme : tailor-made, rapid and simplified financial support (in the form of max. EUR 60,000 lump sums) and related services will be provided to a large number of cities and municipalities in the European Union, UK and EEA countries to enable them to develop relevant investment concepts.


The project QualDeEPC attempts to achieve a high-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe accelerating deep energy renovation.

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

The overarching objective of EEW4 is to support policy makers in European Union Member States in improving the degree of successful implementation of policy instruments for energy efficiency, and thus contribute to reaching the target of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

C-Track 50

Putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050 – C-track 50 will empower local and regional authorities to develop, finance and implement ambitious sustainable energy and climate resilient plans and actions.


The overall aim of PROSPECT is to enable peer to peer learning in regional and local authorities in order to finance and implement their sustainable energy plans.


The innovative approach of PEGASUS (Promoting Effective Generation and Sustainable USes of electricity) is focused on experimenting a simulation of functioning of microgrids in 7 pilot areas jointly; solutions will be based on concrete situation with real data.


REnewable Low TEmperature District (RELaTED) provides a demonstrated concept of ultra-low temperature network solution for new district heating systems and the progressive conversion of currently running district heating systems in order to de-carbonize energy supplies in urban environments.

Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (2017-2020)

Launched in 2008, the Covenant of Mayors is the world’s largest movement for local climate and energy actions.


InventAir’s main aim is to explore the multiple environmental and climate impacts of energy poverty by focusing on the development and implementation of clean air and energy poverty policies in Eastern European countries.


BiogasAction aims at promoting the production of sustainable biogas throughout the EU, especially by exchanging best practice, creating new business models, and increasing investments in biogas production.


PUBLENEF aims to assist European Union Member States in implementing effective and efficient sustainable energy policies (with the focus on energy efficiency) and empower them to make use of the best practices and policy processes implemented in other Member States at the national, regional and/or local level.

Energy Efficiency Watch 3

EEW3 aims to support the political work in the field of energy efficiency and intends to motivate political action among decision makers, especially among parliamentarians (European Parliament, EU28 national Parliaments).


The project “Streetlight-EPC”, funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, created demand and supply for EPC in 9 European regions by providing regional EPC facilitation services and supporting projects towards implementation.


Data4Action aims to foster collaboration models in energy data exchange between public authorities and energy data providers, to inform the design of regional and municipal sustainable energy action plans.

E-Mobility Works

The project aims at fully developing e-mobility potentials in European municipalities and businesses, by developing e-mobility action plans for the municipalities and consulting local businesses regarding the integration of e-mobility in their corporate strategies.


COOPENERGY aims to foster a more collaborative approach between regional and local public authorities for more cohesion in the design and implementation of their respective sustainable energy action plans.


ILLUMINATE studies “smart” lighting in high quality urban areas, both in terms of energy efficiency and quality of light. Seven pilot projects in city centers, museums and acquariums tested the proposed LED lighting solutions.

Energy Efficiency Watch 2

The objective of the EEW project is to promote energy efficiency across Europe by analysing Member States’ national energy efficiency action strategies and by highlighting good energy efficiency policies.

ClimAct Regions

ClimAct Regions will improve the capacity of regions to build and apply greenhouse gases reduction policies, in order to contribute to climate protection. The main objective brings in 2 more specific objectives: enable regions to efficiently monitor and observe greenhouse gases & develop regional policies for greenhouse gas mitigation using good governance processes.