LENERG Energy Agency

LENERG Energiaügynökség Mérnöki és Tanácsadó Nonprofit Kft. (LENERG Energy Agency Nonrpofit Llc.) is a regional energy agency of Észak-Alföld region, established in 2010.

LENERG Energy Agency


LENERG Energy Agency Nonprofit Llc. is a local public organization, operating at county level as an energy agency located in Debrecen, the second largest city in Hungary.

The Agency is owned by the University of Debrecen and Foundation for Development of University of Debrecen, employing a team with relevant experience in preparation and project management in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. LENERG works in close cooperation with public and private actors and supports to achieve sustainable development goals. It has built its relevant partnership containing professional organizations at national and European level.


LENERG was established as a cluster in 2008 with the aim of increasing energy efficiency and promotion of the use of renewable energy sources in the building sector by carrying out R&D activities and preparation of projects. In order to strengthen its market appearance, the cluster was transformed to LENERG Limited Company in 2011. In 2015 the owners of the organization made a strategic decision and LENERG Energy Agency Nonprofit Llc. started its operation. The aim of the renewed organizational form is to strengthen the public role of LENERG, taking part in development activities and to strengthen the competitiveness of the area via supporting the generation and realization of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and investments.

Activities of LENERG are covers dissemination, project application and management. It gives information on renewable and energy efficiency technologies, good practices, national and international financing possibilities for its main target groups – local public and private actors and citizens. LENERG takes part in preparation of energy strategies and action plans.

LENERG is strongly committed to build its partner network not only at national but international level as well. It establishes strategic partnership with energy agencies and universities in Europe and takes part in international and interregional projects.

Activities at national level:

Ambitious development goals by increasing energy efficiency and enhancing the use of renewable energy sources will be achieved by a team of experts and ambitious staff members with relevant experience in project generation, project management at local and international level.

LENERG works with actors from the public and private sector, it cooperates with energy experts in order to serve its partners. LENERG activities focus – first of all – on Hajdú-Bihar County (including the city of Debrecen), but it also works with actors from other regions of Hungary.

LENERG prepares strategies, surveys and action plans for public authorities and enterprises, and takes part in preparation and management of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. It disseminates practices of energy savings, smart solutions, technologies via workshops and trainings.

Social responsibility is essential part of LENERG activity. The Agency increases energy awareness among citizens via organization of events, campaigns. It gives information via personal consultation, periodical newsletter and social website.


  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans – preparation of SECAPs
  • Energy certification of buildings – public and private buildings
  • Project management activities on local RES and EE projects
  • Preparation of projects
  • Workshops – organization of professional and dissemination workshops
  • Training materials for children at primary school
  • Preparation climate strategies and energy and climate action plans

Activities at international level:

LENERG has built international partnership and gained its experience in international project management by taking part in international cooperation projects in frame of the following programmes during the 2014-2020 programming period: INTERREG Europe Programme, Central Europe Programme, Horizon 2020, Norway Grants, and Danube Transnational Programme.

LENERG is also committed to participate and taking part in international projects and focusing on contact with partners at international level, establishing consortium and preparation projects idea and apply for project calls during 2021-2027 period.

LENERG aims at more actively involved in promotion innovation activities related to energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, methods and solutions.