HyMantoValley: green hydrogen ecosystem in the PO valley

AGIRE, the Energy Agency of the Province of Mantova (Italy) is the Coordinator of HYMANTOVALLEY, an EU co-financed project with 16 Partners, currently under development which aims to decarbonise the Italian Po Valley by building a replicable green Hydrogen Ecosystem.

HyMantoValley: green hydrogen ecosystem in the PO valley

The project will be implemented as an integrated model of hydrogen production, high pressure storage, distribution and utilisation for heat, power and mobility, including the development of hydrogen-fed and zero-emissions ships, trains, buses and heating and cooling systems for buildings.

HyMantoValley is part of a bigger €75 million Programme, the Mantova Hydrogen Valley, to be developed in Valdaro Inland Port area, lying on the crossroads of two TEN-T corridors, to implement and exploit the hydrogen value chain in Mantova:

• Helping the transition of a plant producing low-carbon hydrogen to green hydrogen. The facility, property of SAPIO Group, will be equipped by a new modular PEM electrolyser for a total of 10 MW, powered by a photovoltaic plant of 13MW with 4MW accumulators, able to produce 1.500 t/year, saving 14 kt CO2 per year.

• New Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) near the port area.

• Hydrogen local distribution by pipelines, innovative Mobile Tank Wagons and one Hydrogen Refuelling Station, included a 500 bar High-Pressure Compressor System, being applicable to several end-users.

• Zero-emission Vessels: refitting a barge pusher to start hydrogen-propelled transport of bulk materials on the inland waterway from Mantova to Venice Sea Port.

• Zero-emission Trains: development of a new locomotive platform through the design of a new chassis, able to host hydrogen-propelled engines to be used for railway freight.

• Zero-emission Buses: using hydrogen as a native propeller for a fleet of six buses already funded by the Local Public Transport Company.

• Zero-emission Buildings: new heating & cooling system of a public school.

• Zero-emission off-grid distribution: piloting the power supply to off-grid end-users through hydrogen fuel cell power generator integrated to innovative transportable high-pressure hydrogen storage solutions.

• H2 Hub: a Centre of Applied Research and Advanced Training on hydrogen, managed by relevant Universities.

Valdaro Port Valley, with its Tri-modal transport solutions and all relevant transhipment processes perfectly running, will soon become the Mantova Hydrogen Valley. Its Green Hydrogen production will be used in the logistic system, public transports, heating and cooling and industrial processes.

This best practice is extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘. Discover more best practices here!