Representatives of the 7 sister projects focusing on Energy Performance Certificates agreed to join forces going further together.
Illustration : Photo de fauxels provenant de Pexels
The upgrade of Energy Performance Certificates is one of the key targets of the revision of the EPBD.
In this perspective, the QualDeEPC project and its sister project: U-CERT, X-tendo, ePANACEA, E-DYCE, D^2EPC, and EPC RECAST met in a private meeting to exchange on the progress and objectives of the different projects. It was also the occasion for the project ALDREN to have its conclusions presented.
This meeting confirmed the will of projects’ partners to build upon each other’s experiences and cooperation to make EPCs play an important role in the overall aim of fast and energy-efficient building renovation in Europe.
The content discussed is confidential, but the presentations of the projects are publicly available on Youtube.