Biogas Action – Advisory committees to train companies and institutions, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

AURA-EE, as regional energy agency maintains relationships with local suppliers/companies, local authorities, institutions and project owners in the region. AURA-EE organizes advisory committees twice a year, to allow stakeholders to meet other companies, administrations, project owners etc.

Biogas Action – Advisory committees to train companies and institutions,  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Background and description of the good practice

AURA-EE, as a regional energy agency maintains relationships with local suppliers/companies, local authorities, institutions and project owners in the region. AURA-EE organizes advisory committees twice a year, to allow stakeholders to meet other companies, administrations, project owners. (In 2015, there were 150 members). It is also the opportunity to share expertise and know-how on topics developed within the advisory committee. The agency organizes two types of events:

  • one is a sort of a conference with local partners that share their knowledge. Within the Biogas Action project we focus on: biomethane, quality (especially quality of building and operation), and biowastes, with an average of 50 attendees
  • the second is an exchange session with a visit of a local company: we already visited Serge Ferrari (producer of membrane for roof of digester) and Prodeval (supplier of upgrading systems using membrane)

Aims and objectives of this Action

Training local companies, sharing quality standards, sharing know-how, explaining technical and regulation aspects, discussing opportunities and barriers. Exchange sessions are very interesting.

How this Action could be replicated?

The advisory committee is a way to create a place for local companies, project owners, institutions to meet and share expertise, point of views… on specific subjects and is easy to replicate.

