The free online tool Energiluppen is created to help the municipalities in Northern Sweden to get an overview of their energy usage and CO2 emissions.
Illustration : Photo by Fré Sonneveld on Unsplash
To know in which direction you are heading with the regional energy planning, and to reach our goals, it is necessary to know where you stand right now. Based on this, North Sweden Energy Agency, Energikontor Norr has created a tool to simplify the process of managing energy statistics: Energiluppen.
The online tool Energiluppen is created to help the municipalities in Northern Sweden to get an overview of their energy usage and CO2 emissions. Energiluppen is free, highly user-friendly and perspicuous with clean graphics and diagrams showing energy statistics.
The purpose is to help the municipalities in Northern Sweden to get an overview of their energy usage and CO2 emissions regarding different categories such as industry, houses and transports. It is also possible to see where the energy comes from in terms of sources and how much of the municipality´s energy is renewable. Energiluppen has received national interest and one more region in Sweden will soon start using it.