Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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Networking, a successful method

Networking, a successful method

This best practice showcases the successful implementation of an energy efficiency network, emphasising its pivotal role in catalysing positive changes in the energy landscape of businesses in southern Sweden.

Innovation for the energy transition: International Clean Energy Hackathon in Linz/Upper Austria

Innovation for the energy transition: International Clean Energy Hackathon in Linz/Upper Austria

At the International Clean Energy Hackathon held on 14-15 November in Linz, Upper Austria, 31 teams from 10 countries “hacked” challenges and developed new products for the energy transition.

A collaborative guide to help companies reduce their use of energy in five steps

A collaborative guide to help companies reduce their use of energy in five steps

Sweden faces a winter with a very real risk of energy shortages. The electricity prices are soaring to levels that may cause smaller companies to fold, and many are looking for ways to reduce their use of energy. Their question, is this: How do we become more energy efficient without compromising on safety and health?

Hydrogen gains momentum in the Basque Country

Hydrogen gains momentum in the Basque Country

The Basque Hydrogen Strategy was presented in Spring 2021. Its purpose is to promote the creation of a hydrogen production, distribution and consumption ecosystem in the Basque Country based on the country’s industrial, logistical and technological capabilities.

Sustainable Business Bridge

Sustainable Business Bridge

Also in Sweden, companies and society need to drastically reduce emissions and increase resource efficiency. The Sustainable Business Bridge project helps enterprises to achieve these goals while also boosting business opportunities.

Energy Transition Leaders in Upper Austria

Energy Transition Leaders in Upper Austria

Developed and coordinated by the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, the “Energy Transition Leaders Initiative”, is a cooperation among 15 pioneering companies implementing the energy transition in a holistic manner and prioritising the phase-out of fossil fuels.

Solar Power in SMEs in Eastern Central Sweden

Solar Power in SMEs in Eastern Central Sweden

The Örebro County Energy Agency, the Mälardalen Energy Agency and other energy Swedish agencies aim to significantly increase the rate of investment in solar energy in SMEs in Eastern Central Sweden, thereby contributing to reduced carbon emissions and increased competitiveness of the region’s economy.

Samsø: A Leader recognised by the UN Global Climate Action Award

Samsø: A Leader recognised by the UN Global Climate Action Award

Read how the island of Samsø became the world’s first renewable energy island in 10 years through the support of the Samsø Energy Academy.

YmpyräKS: Towards Sustainable and Circular Business

YmpyräKS: Towards Sustainable and Circular Business

To support SMEs in their transition to a more sustainable approach in Central Finland, the Regional Council, together with the City of Jyväskylä, the Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurs have created a platform for business about mutual learning in sustainability.

Competitive through Sustainability 2030

Competitive through Sustainability 2030

The EU-funded project, “Competitive Through Sustainability 2030” owned by the North Sweden Energy Agency, explores how small companies can develop positive energy, climate, and sustainability actions in North Sweden.

3CEA and Better Energy Communities – a sustainable agri-business in Wexford, Ireland

3CEA and Better Energy Communities – a sustainable agri-business in Wexford, Ireland

With the help of 3CEA, an agri-business was able to benefit from 30% funding towards energy efficiency improvements!

Supporting sustainability in food and beverage industries by Solar-PV self-consumption

Supporting sustainability in food and beverage industries by Solar-PV self-consumption

Check out how ESCAN improves the energy efficiency of cold chains thanks to Solar-PV!