An important pillar on the path for Green Energy Transition at EU level is represented by the Energy Efficiency action; without a strong push on raising energy efficiency in all sectors, the EU targets for 2030 and 2050 couldn’t be reached. For this, integrated EE actions enclosing smart/innovative solutions are required. As citizens we all must save energy in our households and at our workplaces
Florin is the director of Alba Local Energy Agency (ALEA), the dedicated body for sustainable energy development in the”Centru” Development Region in Romania. With a solid energy background (Bachelor of Engineering in Electrotechnics) he developed from 1990 an intense activity in different domains linked to energy; from 2008 he managed ALEA, working also as an expert in energy management, energy planning, power quality, urban sustainable mobility.
Florin coordinated the setup of the Energy Masterplan for Alba County and more than 10 SEAPs/SECAPs of Romanian CoM signatories; also, he was project manager for Romania or has been involved in more than 15 EU projects. ANERGO, the first regional energy observatory in Romania was established in 2016 inside of ALEA under his coordination.
Initiator of the Romanian Energy Agencies Federation and of the Alba Branch of Society of Power Engineers in Romania, Florin is currently Climate Pact Ambassador and Vice President for Energy Efficiency and Energy Poverty of FEDARENE.