Participate in a project for women-led business ideas in the field of Renewable Energies for heating and cooling.
Illustration : People photo created by jcomp –
The W4RES project is launching a call for women-led project ideas in the field of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling. You can submit any type of business idea you may have in the field and get the support of international experts for implementing it.
The winners will go through a personalised coaching programme developed by European experts for their purposes. There are no restrictions to age, educational/professional background, affiliation, employment status, etc.
If you are interested, you can apply by completing a very short application form. Only 25 winners will be selected. A second call is envisaged at the end of 2022, but don’t wait till then!
The deadline for submission is the 31st of August 2021 (17 CET), but will most likely be extended due to summer. The official language of the call and its activities is English.