
Back to the Future of District Heating and Cooling – RELaTED final workshop

What if solutions for the Future of District Heating and Cooling were already there? Check out what RELaTED suggests

The 09 June 2022 from 09:00 to 14:00 Brussels time Ville de Bruxelles, Belgique

What if solutions for the Future of District Heating and Cooling were already there?

This is what RELaTED offers for its final workshop. After 4 years of research and tests, the project partners are ready to show what they have achieved. This workshop will show the project results, including a fair of the pilot sites where more specific solutions will be presented.

Participants will also part take in a discussion on the main challenges linked with Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating. Including whether the legal framework allows for a transition from DH to ULTDH, as well the financial and, of course, the technical limitations of such transition.

The final workshop will thus invite project partners but also stakeholders’ representatives located in Brussels, including the EU institutions.

This workshop is on invitations only, the main results will be shared after the event.