
EU PEERS Information Kick-Off Webinar

Are you interested in One-stop-shops (OSS) and Integrated Home Renovation Service Provider (IHRS)? Then don’t miss the webinar about EU PEERS project and Community of Practice!

The 29 May 2024 from 14:00 to 15:00 Brussels time

South East Energy Agency invites you to a 1hr ‘Kick-Off’ webinar on EU PEERS, at 2:00pm on Wednesday, 29th May 2024. The aim of the webinar is to introduce EU PEERS project and Community of Practice to One-Stop Shops (OSS), Integrated Home Renovation Service Providers (IHRS), and stakeholders in the value chain.

It will feature two seasoned key speakers, Alex Hamilton, Senior Engineer SEEA and Chair of Association, Irish Energy Agencies, and Colm O’Mahony, Energy Engineer, South East Energy Agency. They will also be sharing the benefits of being a part of the Community and how to join.

This webinar will hold on Zoom. See meeting details below. Save the date and share the event with your colleagues in the industry. This webinar is open to all OSS and IHRS providers.