Time to prepare your application for the European City Facility! Join the EU info-session to meet the EUCF team and clear your doubts about the application process.
WALMEET.EU and the Union des Villes et des Communes de Wallonie (UVCW) are organising a meeting with representatives of the European Commission and the European Investment Bank in Namur on 12 June.
The 12th annual edition of Sustainable Places (SP2024) is a hybrid event, from 23th to 25th September 2024, with the in-person sessions hosted in Luxembourg.
Join us this October for the 2024 Geothermal Heat Pump Days, a pivotal event showcasing the role of geothermal technology in driving sustainable, decarbonised heating and cooling solutions!
The 44th AIVC conference “Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality” will be held on 9 & 10 October 2024 in Dublin, Ireland. Don’t forget to register!
The 7th edition of the ManagEnergy Master Class on One-Stop Shops (OSS) for Residential Retrofit is now open for applications! This in-depth training will help energy agencies and regional authorities build and scale successful OSS models for the renovation sector.