Info session

Info and Launch Session: European City Facility Call 7

Time to prepare your application for the European City Facility! Join the EU info-session to meet the EUCF team and clear your doubts about the application process.

The 22 October 2024 from 15:00 to 16:00 Brussels time

Info and Launch Session: European City Facility Call 7

The 7th and last call for applications opens on October 15 and closes on December 18, 2024.

EUCF offers €60,000 in lump-sum payments and hands-on support for local actors to develop investment concepts on clean energy and energy efficiency. This grant will allow beneficiaries to act on their needs related to developing investment concepts in support of their sustainable energy and climate plans. 

Applying for the funding is simple and requirements are similar to previous calls of the Facility and asks for proven political support, potential investment size, feasible energy-related impacts, and plans for governance structure and stakeholder engagement. This information is comparable to what’s needed before accessing most public funding or private financing.  

The EUCF team will present the call and answers questions about the application process in a dedicated EU info-session on October 22, from 15:00 to 16:00 CET.

The National Hubs and Country Experts of the European City Facility are also hosting info-sessions in national languages for the 7th call of the European City Facility. 

Check here who is supporting the application process in your country and register for / watch the recording of the national info-sessions in the dedicated page.