
International Conference on Bioclimatic Materials and Buildings

Join ICBMB 2023 on 3-5 May in Morocco to explore innovative solutions for sustainable, energy-efficient buildings

From the 03 May 2023 to the 05 May 2023 53002 Ifrane, Morocco

The International Conference on Bioclimatic Materials and Buildings (ICBMB): Energy efficiency and global industry value chain will gather scientists, politicians, industrials, architects, and other experts in the field to dive into innovative solutions, strategies and policies that involve local bioclimatic approaches for more comfortable living situations, with lower carbon footprint buildings and with an efficient energy demand for cooling and heating. Most of these solutions and policies already exist and are just waiting to be evaluated, disseminated, and adapted to other regions. The conference will be held between May 3rd and 5th, 2023, in Ifrane-Morocco.


  1. Policies for highly energy-efficient buildings adopting the bioclimatic approach
  2. Analysis of bioclimatic materials, construction practices and designs
  3. Indicators & weather files, as input for the design of buildings and districts
  4. Bioclimatic buildings and districts: Case studies                     


  • 1 February 2023: Registration begins
  • 1 April 2023: End of abstract submission
  • 21 April 2023: Notification of acceptance
  • 10 May 2023: Paper submission


Buildings and construction sector are responsible for 38% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. Globally, governments are actively promoting and establishing new policies and strategies to mitigate the carbon footprint of the building sector. Scientists and researchers have oriented their efforts towards adopting new solutions using bioclimatic designs inspired by nature and traditional construction processes and designs. Other efforts are also seen in evaluating the new emerging policies and the development of various tools for energy efficiency simulations to support the thermal regulations developed by the concerned authorities.

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges of contemporary society. One of climate change’s primary outcomes is the global surface temperature increase of 1.09 °C from 1850-1900 to 2011-2020. The ongoing changes in air temperature and precipitation in different parts of the globe are impacting worldwide energy use, the economy, and human health. Climate change is expected to result in an increased frequency and intensity of hot extreme weather events affecting biodiversity, agriculture, water resources and energy systems.

In a growing world population resulting in higher energy consumption for heating and cooling purposes and increased CO2 emissions, a redesign of used bioclimatic construction materials and processes towards more efficient eco-friendly constructions became a necessity.

In Africa, self-building plays an essential role as an affordable and quick way to access shelter and property. Constructions carried out by a qualified company remain very limited. The sector is yet to be consolidated and structured in Africa. In Europe, the industrialization of the sector has boosted the standard-based production of components and, partly, of housing. Nevertheless, the aging housing stock requires energy-use renovation to meet the climate change challenges. Introducing Energy Efficiency (EE) measures is becoming necessary and, sometimes, an obligation. Since these EE measures cannot be implemented without an appropriate regulatory framework, it is crucial to analyse the existing regulatory and legal infrastructure.

This conference covers promising policies to promote highly comfortable buildings with minimal energy needs for heating and cooling. Experts will lead the discussions in the field to highlight key points which might be useful in developing and/or assessing policies.

Political Interventions

  • Social housing needs, construction practices and urbanization unification, housing demand and supply situation. 
  • Infrastructure for the production of Bioclimatic Construction Materials.
  • Promising effective policies to promote highly comfortable buildings with minimal energy need for heating and cooling
  • Case studies

Research & Education

  • Regulatory measures and training programs dealing with bioclimatic buildings
  • Performance indicators and guidelines for XXI century bioclimatic buildings and districts.
  • Indicators and weather files for future climate as input for the design of buildings and districts. 
  • Analysis of bioclimatic materials and construction practices
  • Case studies