
Let’s plan for the planet! A roundtable on the role of Energy Efficiency in Just Transition in Eastern Europe

Don’t miss the Regio1st/CEESEU DIGIT online roundtable on good planning practices to boost the Energy transition in Eastern Europe

The 25 September 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00 Brussels time

Let’s plan for the planet! A roundtable on the role of Energy Efficiency in Just Transition in Eastern Europe

Planning for the Planet

Green Deal implementation is meant to be the next central challenge across the EU. The Planet is still warming, and climate neutrality remain the main objective of the century. The challenge is huge and the energy transition is a key part of the solution.

During this two-hours roundtable, we will dive into the solutions that European, regional and local actors are providing to bolster a Just Transition in Eastern European Countries. In particular, we will delve into the multiple benefits and essential role of energy efficiency in this regards.

Our main angle of approach in this roundtable will focus on an essential tool to policy-makers in designing a better future for all: planning.

Therefore, the multiple high-level regional and local panellists will showcase their feedback, experience and good practices in terms of planning the Just Transition and rollout of Energy Efficiency on their territories.

Especially, in the frame of the Regio1st and CEESEEU-DIGIT European projects, partners are looking at innovative and better solutions to sustainable planning in Eastern Europe.

Apart from showcasing those two insightful projects, panellists from the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions will bring insightful institutional input, detailing the tools and support that the EU is providing to regional and local actors.

Agenda and speakers

Introduction – 5’

Tour de table – 55’

  • Georg Houben, Policy Officer on Local Initiatives, DG ENER B1, European Commission
  • Roman Kekec, Managing director of LEASP (Energy Agency of Slovenia)
  • Danijela Vrtarić, Director assistant of MENEA (Energy Agency of North Croatia) 
  • Martin Kikas, Board member of Tartu Regional Energy Agency (Estonia)
  • Last speaker TBC

Discussion – 55’

Conclusion and wrap-up – 5’

Important features

When ?

25 September from 14:00 to 16:00 (CEST)

Where ?

Online, the connexion links will be provided after registration.

About the projects


The project raises awareness about the Energy Efficiency First principle (EE1st) among regional governments and their agencies and supports them to make related decisions in their planning. It does so through the provision of appropriate guidance to regional authorities to embed the EE1st principle in their decisions and in the implementation of their energy plans departing from six participant regions and expanding to over 100 regions in the EU. It establishes a community of practice for EE1st in cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors to ensure political commitment of regional authorities and strengthens the enforcement of the Multilevel Climate and Energy Dialogue provision, with particular focus on ownership and acceptance of the principle from stakeholders at all levels.

More information here.


The project aims at developing a new type of regional energy and climate plans (ECAPs) in six target areas of Central and Eastern Europe, while addressing the lack of awareness, capacity, and resources of CEE municipalities in developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). The project also pays special attention to vulnerable social groups and those affected by energy poverty, and aims to promote a just energy transition through the dissemination of information and knowledge sharing between partner organizations. Overall, the CEESEU-DIGIT project is a significant step towards building the capacity of CEE municipalities to contribute towards meeting the EU’s climate goals through the development of SECAPs that consider the unique circumstances of the region.

More information here.