How can EU Member States and Canadian provinces implement strategies to boost energy efficient renovations in buildings?
As part of the BPIE’s webinar series, promoting exchanges between Canada and the EU, you will hear from representatives of the European Commission, the Natural Resources Canada and representatives from the Belgian and Spanish government.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What are the EU and Canada’s overarching plans and investment strategies to boost energy efficient renovations as part of their sustainable economic recovery strategies?
- How have authorities in Flanders, Belgium and Spain developed high-quality long-term renovation strategies to achieve highly energy-efficient and healthy building stock, what have been the challenges to implementation and how do they plan to overcome this?
- What are Provincial Efficiency Scorecards in Canada? How do they work, and how are they implemented at provincial and local level?
Welcome, housekeeping and agenda: Oliver Rapf, BPIE
Session 1 – From EU policy to national reality: Developing and executing national long-term renovation strategies
- Introduction to Member States’ role in the EU agenda: national long-term renovation strategies – Gaspard Demur, Team Leader for National Renovation Strategies and Recovery, DG Energy, European Commission
- Flanders’ long term renovation strategy – Roel Vermeiren, Renovation Strategy advisor, Flemish Energy Agency
- Spain’s long term renovation strategy – D. Javier Martin, Residential and Land Managing Director, Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Spain
- Q&A with the audience
Session 2 – Canadian perspective: Implementing energy efficiency at the federal and provincial level
- Tracking provincial policies and performance on energy efficiency: Efficiency Canada’s annual Scorecard & policy database – James Gaede, Senior Research Associate, Efficiency Canada
- Panel discussion: British Columbia and Quebec provincial strategies – Katherine Muncaster, Director, Energy Efficiency Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources
- Q&A with the audience
Closing remarks