
Transnational Community Winter Meeting: OSSs in support of energy poor households

EU Peers is back with a new exciting webinar of the Transnational Community. Don’t miss it!

The 04 February 2025 from 10:00 to 11:30 Brussels time

Join the EU Peers Transnational Community on the 4th of February 2025 for a new exciting webinar.

The webinar will focus on energy poverty and the crucial role of One-Stop Shops (OSSs) for the residential sector in its alleviation and in supporting the renovation of energy-poor households.

More and more families are nowadays in a situation of energy poverty, struggling to heat or cool their homes and pay their electricity bills. Luckily, more and more OSSs are also tailoring their activities towards this target group.

The webinar will involve OSSs targeting energy-poor households presenting their cases, and energy poverty’s experts to help tailor OSSs’ activities towards the target group and, most importantly, help them meet the needs of energy-poor households for their successful involvement in the renovation journey.


Time TopicSpeaker
10:00 Welcome & IntroMariangela Luceri, EU Peers
10:10 Energy Poverty: what it is and what can OSS do to fight it?Dora Biondani, EPAH – tbc
10:20 Case study: REVERTER – roadmaps to reduce households’ vulnerabilityDimitris Damigos, Reverter, Greece – tbc
10:30 Case study: EcoVision – resilient communities fighting energy povertyMáirtín Ó Méalóid, EcoVision, Ireland – tbc
10:40 First reactionsCarole Schaal, Stop à l’exclusion energitique
Dora Biondani, EPAH -tbc
10:50 Open debateAll participants
11:25 Wrap-upEU Peers team
11:30 Greetings and closure of the meeting

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