About a one-third of total greenhouse gas emissions in the US and Europe stem from buildings. Reducing the environmental footprint of the building stock is thus a huge endeavour and is reflected in the EU Renovation Wave Strategy that aims to at least double renovation rates in the next ten years and make sure renovations lead to higher energy and resource efficiency. The US Department of Energy also announced sweeping actions to power more American homes and buildings with cleaner, smarter, and more affordable energy services that sharply reduce the buildings sector contributions to the climate crisis.
BPIE‘s first US-EU webinar will provide an overview of the EU and US overarching plans and investment strategies to boost energy-efficient renovations in buildings, in particular:
- What are the main objectives of the EU Renovation Wave and how can the Next Generation EU and the economic recovery plan trigger investments for the transformation of the building stock?
- How will the American Jobs Plan make the needed investments in US core energy infrastructure to combat climate change and advance environmental justice?
- What federal programmes support state and local action to advance energy efficiency in homes and buildings across the US?
Welcome remarks – Michael Curtis, Deputy Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to the United States
Keynote Speeches:
- Anna Garcia, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, TBC
- Paula Pinho, Director “Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation” Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission
- Q&A session
Panel discussion: The role of buildings in the recovery
- Dr. Regina Gray, Director, Affordable Housing Research & Technology, Policy Development & Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector”
- Stefan Moser, Head of Unit “Buildings and Products”, Directorate-General for Energy: “The EU Renovation Wave and Next Generation EU: financing mechanisms to drive building renovation in the EU”
- Amy Royden-Bloom, Acting Director, DOE Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office: “Supporting a Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy for Subnational Entities through Federal Programs”
- Discussion
Closing remarks
- Cynthia Campbell, Director for International and Philanthropic Innovation, Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Conclusion and next steps- Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE
- Dr. Regina Gray, Director, Affordable Housing Research & Technology, Policy Development & Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development