
EU-Backed Investments Platforms: Tools to Boost Investments in Energy Efficiency

This webinar will showcase good examples of EU-backed Investment Platforms that are addressing the energy efficiency sector in various member states with potential for replication across Europe.

The 09 November 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 Brussels time

Investment platforms backed by EU funds are investment facilities that typically pool smaller and/or higher-risk projects by geographic location or sector. This helps to better share risk, make it easier to attract private investors and eventually unlock financing for individual projects. By aggregating investment projects, Investment platforms also reduce transaction and information costs which in turn facilitate smaller tickets. The platforms themselves can then provide loans and/or equity financing to the underlying projects, depending on their specific needs. Investment platforms are being specifically promoted by the European Commission and the EIB as a valuable feature to boost investments.

Discussions are of interest to local and regional authorities, financial institutions, investors and social sector players that are looking to understand and set up this flexible tool.

Moderator: Adrien Bullier, CINEA.