Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023: find out the winners of the international platform
Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023: find out the winners of the international platform
Step into the realm of sustainable excellence as Construction21 unveil the champions of the Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023.
Illustration : Construction21
Of the 219 applicants this year, 29 projects were in the running on the international platform. Located in Canada, Scotland, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Spain, the United Kingdom, Jordan, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, the Netherlands and Senegal, these projects provide a good overview of the sustainable solutions implemented in these countries. So, which winners did the jury choose? Which buildings, districts and infrastructures have qualified for the international phase?
This project has qualified for the international phase
The jury’s verdict: This project is not particularly innovative, but it includes everything that a good intervention requires, plus its energy consumption is low.
Construction Company: Residents of the village of Louly
This project has qualified for the international phase
The jury’s verdict: Very interesting building, with low investment costs. The material and human resources used are local. The project can be widely replicated.
This project has qualified for the international phase
The jury’s verdict: It’s a very good project in many aspects, incorporating both passive and active measures. It’s the only positive energy candidate. Particular attention has been paid to indoor air quality. The building is LEED certified.
Contractor: Unión Temporal de Empresas (UTE) Duques de Soria- Arcor – Herce
Construction Manager: Unión Temporal de Empresas (UTE) Duques de Soria- Arcor – Herce
Contractor Representative: Arancha Sogo
Developer: Universidad de Valladolid- Vicerrectorado de Patrimonio e Infraestructuras
Designer: Francisco Valbuena García- Juan José Ventura Pons- Unidad Técnica de Arquitectura
Other Consultancy Agencies: Carlos Herguedas Pastor-Unidad Técnica de Arquitectura; Daniel Pérez; Luis Ignacio Díez; Ana I.Jiménez; Maria de la O.García; Gonzales Díaz; M. Jesús; Juan José Ventura Pou
Health & Safety Coordinator: David Ramos – Soria prevención
Construction Companies: J. Manuel Muñoz Martín / Jesús Vaquer; Javier Jiménez (GEOTER, Geothermal Energy, SL)
Others: José Emilio Nogués / Diego Tamayo
Structures Calculist: Pejarbo S.L.
Thermal Consultancy Agency: Daniel Pascual, Architect
Developer: Proyectos e Inversiones del Matarraña SL
This project has qualified for the international phase
The jury’s verdict: Local materials and workers are being employed. An LCA has been carried out, showing that the environmental impact is lower than for new construction.
This project has qualified for the international phase
The jury’s verdict: The jury paid close attention to the social aspect of the spaces, an aspect that should be taken into much greater account. It is also important to note the non-permanent structure, which blends in with nature and its architecture is not so impactful.
Experts and the public helped to decide between the competing projects.
The experts
6 experts from the sector analysed the submissions and came up with a consensus award list. Many thanks to Christian Brodhag, President of Construction21 International, for chairing the jury, and to the entire panel:
Jean-Marie Hauglustaine, University of Liège – Belgium
Chong Meng, CABR – China
Marco d’Egidio, Heineken – Italy
Mohammed Ahachad, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Tangier – Morocco
Maita Fernandez Armesto, Barcelona City Council – Spain
Online voting by the public
Using the same principle, online users were able to vote for the projects they supported.
Join the global movement for sustainable construction and showcase your innovative projects in the 10th edition of the Green Solutions Awards—now aligned with the bold ambitions of the Chaillot Declaration!
The Green Solutions Awards have extended their application deadline! Participants now have
until the 28 February 2025, at 11:59 PM to submit their sustainable building, infrastructure,
or district projects.
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