The Agence Parisienne du Climat/Paris Climate Agency (APC Paris) is a public agency created by the city of Paris to help implement its climate and energy policy. It provides information, advice, and support to Parisians on energy savings, renewable energy, and energy transition.
Illustration : Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash
Set up on the initiative of the City of Paris to help achieve the goals of the Climate Action Plan, the Paris Climate Agency has 90 members and partners. It is a key driving force for the energy transition of Paris, seeking to involve the entire region and assisting with operational projects, particularly the energy retrofit of buildings. By promoting dialogue and debate around these major issues, the APC also helps create a common knowledge base and initiatives to support urban transformation. It brings stakeholders together in an alliance that aims at achieving the energy transition of Paris and combating climate change.
The Paris Climate Agency (APC) aims to inform, advise and assist the Parisians in their efforts against climate change and for an energy transition. APC is the one-stop shop for energy retrofitting of condominiums in Paris; APC energy advisers accompany co-owners in their work on energy efficiency. Since 2013, the Agency is part of the national network of Points Renovation Info Service (PRIS) whose purpose is to inform and advise individuals on energy saving, thermal performance, financial aid, etc…
As a nonprofit and multi-partner organization, the Paris Climate Agency is an operational agency for the energy transition of Paris. APC is working closely with its members by focusing on agile working methods and proximity to all the stakeholders of the ecological transition.
Its mission is to: