Selnica ob Dravi Municipality

Selnica ob Dravi is a community in the central Drava Valley in Slovenia.

Selnica ob Dravi Municipality


The Municipality of Selnica ob Drava is a green and development-oriented municipality. Its
creation dates back to 1998, when three new ones were created from the former joint
Municipality of Ruše, one of which was ours. It lies in the Drava Valley, on the left bank of the
Drava River and connects the regions of Styria and Carinthia. It is only 15 km away from the city of
Maribor, which is the second largest city in Slovenia and at the same time the regional,
administrative, educational, cultural and economic center of northeastern Slovenia.
There are 14 settlements in the municipality, the largest of which is Selnica ob Drava, which has
more than 900 years of history. In the past, the Drava River and the proximity of neighboring
Austria played an important role in the development of the area. It was the state border that
halted development in the years after World War II and after independence. After the creation of
an independent municipality, active activities in the direction of development in all economic
sectors began again. We adopted the starting points of sustainable development with the aim of
becoming a municipality whose development is based on protecting the environment and
respecting people, as well as taking care of the economic well-being of the place and its
Selnica ob Drava also has an interesting history in the cultural field. The area of ​​Sv. Duha na
Ostrem vrh and Viltuš Castle with exceptional artistic and cultural value. The center of the town is
decorated with the church of St. Marjeta and the church of St. John the Baptist on Janževa Gora.
Next to the Drava is a statue of John Nepomuk, the patron saint of abortionists who visited the
place centuries ago. The municipality is also home to the oldest hydroelectric power plant on the
Drava River and in this part of Europe – HPP Fala. It houses a museum of technical heritage, which
has been declared a cultural monument of national importance.


The Municipality of Selnica ob Drava is building its future on the principles of sustainable
development. In doing so, it ensures the activation of all available potentials, taking into account
the quality of life of people and the environment, as well as social responsibility towards current
and future generations. The municipality’s strategy is therefore aimed at maintaining the balance
of its ecosystems and energy independence.


The fundamental mission of the Municipality of Selnica ob Drava is to provide services and
conditions that contribute to the quality of life and work of citizens and organizations by satisfying
their needs according to the given resources. The services provided by the municipality are
efficient and fiscally responsible, which is why its citizens and organizations value them. The

organization of the Municipality of Selnica ob Drava ensures the implementation of one of the
fundamental democratic principles, namely the participation of citizens in the management of
public, local affairs. The municipality will thus be recognizable by the openness of its citizens,
orientation towards energy-saving and environmentally friendly agricultural and other activities,
and by the even richer cultural and sports activities of its citizens and organizations.


We build a municipality that functions the way we want it to by achieving the following goals:

  1. A municipality where people come first
  2. Space of opportunity and growth
  3. A healthy, safe and green municipality
  4. A municipality that spends wisely and invests strategically

In the news

FEDARENE Vice-President Vlasta Krmelj Joins the European Committee of the Regions

A champion of sustainable energy and climate action, Vlasta Krmelj is bringing her expertise in financing, local action, and EU policy to the CoR. Representing Slovenia, she will advocate for stronger regional voices in Europe’s energy transition.

Conference of Mayors: Translating the EU Green Deal into local actions

The high level event, titled Conference of Mayors: Translating the EU Green Deal into local actions, was organised by the Flemish Government within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. The event took place in Brussels on the 15th of March 2024, split between morning sessions hosted by the European Parliament, and 3 afternoon parallel sessions hosted by the Committee of the Regions.

ManagEnergy Expert Mission #4: strategic positioning for faster decarbonisation

ManagEnergy Expert Vlasta Krmelj (Energap/Selnica op Dravi) visited the local energy agency of Gran Canaria on 13-15 November 2023. On the agenda: EU energy policies, communication, stakeholders mapping, innovation and research.

International Clean Energy Challenge 2023: roaring for a greener future!

On 24-28 July 2023, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, OÖ Energiesparverband, organised the 2023 International Clean Energy Challenge in Spital am Pyhrn. Learn more about this innovative and unique event.

Mayors speak up to reduce energy consumption!

Mayors of the Covenant-Europe are joining the Energy Saving Sprint campaign and taking urgent measures to save energy. The Mayor of Selnica Ob Dravi in Slovenia, Vlasta Krmelj shared a video to showcase the measures taken in the municipality.

Energy agencies as pioneers of the energy transition

Our members from Slovenia and Croatia met once again, this week in Zagreb. At a time of great uncertainty, the agencies convened to define what more they can do in the field of cooperation with REPowerEU, and to discuss the possibility of joint projects and policies between Slovenia and Croatia.