
MIP4Adapt: website revamped!

The Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt) supports European regional and local authorities to prepare and plan their adaptation pathways to climate resilience. Check out their revamped website with all the new solutions and tools available!

MIP4Adapt: website revamped!

MIP4Adapt is pleased to announce the launch of its newly redesigned portal, which now includes a range of advanced tools and solutions. We invite you to explore the improved user experience and discover the innovative features available:

Adaptation Stories

Adaptation Stories showcase real-life examples of regional or local actions and good practices regarding the planning, funding, implementing and monitoring of climate adaptation solutions. They aim to inspire others to take action on climate adaptation.

While both the Mission Case Studies and the Adaptation Stories are about sharing experiences, Adaptation Stories are shorter and more accessible.

Funding Overview

Funding climate adaptation measures is often seen as a key issue for regions and local authorities. This section provides information on how to seek and attract funding, detailing European and national funding sources for adaptation, as well as funding opportunities from the Mission.

Regional Adaptation Support Tool

The Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST) is designed to help local and regional authorities with climate change adaptation strategies and plans – from development and implementation to monitoring, evaluating and updating them. RAST provides practical guidance in 6 steps aligned with the key features of climate adaptation policy processes.

This flexible and iterative tool adapts to your local or regional authority’s policy-making progress and unique local context. Whether starting from scratch or further along in the policy process, you can find guidance on the steps that are relevant for you.

Each step includes an overview and detailed support section, with guidance supplemented by resources (data providers, examples, tools) from the EU Mission on AdaptationClimate-ADAPT and other partners helping local and regional authorities across the European Union.

MIP4ADAPT is facilitating a Community of Practice and delivering technical assistance to enable regions and local authorities to:

  • Use their existing climate vulnerability and risk assessments to develop climate adaptation plans and fund and implement climate adaptation solutions;
  • Identify appropriate climate adaptation demonstration projects and identify and access financial support for their implementation;
  • Stimulate engagement and mobilisation of citizens and stakeholders in inclusive approaches to climate adaptation.

The project is funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme. Its website is part of Climate-ADAPT and is delivered in partnership with the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission.