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Last chance to apply to the PROSPECT peer-to-peer learning programme

Last chance to apply to the PROSPECT peer-to-peer learning programme

The 3rd and last call for applications is now open! You have until the 6th March to apply

Serge Nocodie: “Climate planning needs to enable local authorities to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow”

Serge Nocodie: “Climate planning needs to enable local authorities to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow”

Read our interview of Serge Nocodie, FEDARENE’s Vice-President for Climate Action

ManagEnergy Expert Mission to LENA Agency, Germany

ManagEnergy Expert Mission to LENA Agency, Germany

On 16-18 October 2019, Christiane Egger from OÖ Energiesparverband (AT) was in Germany to manage the 13th ManagEnergy Expert Mission and discuss new potential services

Emerging Business Models for Energy Communities – Lessons from the PEGASUS project – WEBINAR

Emerging Business Models for Energy Communities – Lessons from the PEGASUS project – WEBINAR

This PEGASUS webinar will present the details of the “energy communities” provisions Clean Energy Package, bring forward the perspective of a funding body supporting such projects and showcase microgrid economic scenarios

OPENGELA — Home retrofits beyond Energy Efficiency

OPENGELA — Home retrofits beyond Energy Efficiency

How can home renovation go beyond Energy Efficiency savings? Follow OPENGELA to know how One-Stop-Shops will support the regeneration of deprived districts with advice and support to low income homeowners and social housing tenants in the form of neighbourhood offices.

FEDARENE President Julije Domac interviewed by Parliament Magazine

FEDARENE President Julije Domac interviewed by Parliament Magazine

With their close proximity to citizens and unique competencies, Europe’s regions are well placed to inform policymakers on the challenges of energy transition explains FEDARENE President, Julije Domac.

3CEA: 5th Expert Mission of the ManagEnergy Programme in Ireland

3CEA: 5th Expert Mission of the ManagEnergy Programme in Ireland

Christiane Egger from Upper Austria’s Energiesparverband OO spent 3 days at 3CEA in Kilkenny, Ireland exploring how to strengthen services to lead the Energy Transition across the Region

Regional Visions of Biogas for 2030 – BiogasAction Final Video

Regional Visions of Biogas for 2030 – BiogasAction Final Video

BiogasAction aimed at promoting the production of sustainable biogas throughout the EU, especially by exchanging best practice, creating new business models, and increasing investments in biogas production. The project partners share their vision of Biogas for 2030 and explain how to achieve it! Watch the video below.

3CEA project successfully nominated!

3CEA project successfully nominated!

Congratulations to 3CEA for the successful nomination of their project to receive financial support from the Irish Climate Action Fund!

C-Track 50 at COP 24 Side Event on Nature Based Solutions

C-Track 50 at COP 24 Side Event on Nature Based Solutions

The C-Track 50 project will be presented during a side event of the COP24 in Katowice, Poland, on 8 December 2018.