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RELaTED demonstrations sites: Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain

RELaTED demonstrations sites: Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain

Considering the complexities and particularities of each district heating (DH), RELaTED concept is being implemented in four different DH networks covering extremely different climatic conditions, construction traditions, urban density, pre-existing district scheme, ownership and energy services contract schemes.

RELaTED innovative technologies for district heating systems

RELaTED innovative technologies for district heating systems

The concept of RELaTED is that where lower distribution temperatures are paired by a set of innovative technologies enabling for the rearrangement of DH networks into a collection of energy hubs, not only with local heat consumption, but also heat production, based on the following technologies

Developing and Promoting Microgrids in Rural and Island Areas

Developing and Promoting Microgrids in Rural and Island Areas

In the PEGASUS project, 10 partners from MED countries are working together to study into more details microgrids, focusing on rural and island areas.

Structural funds used for energy efficient SMEs in Sweden

Structural funds used for energy efficient SMEs in Sweden

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Sweden has been an important tool to support the shift to a low-carbon economy. Put together, 18 % of all the Swedish ERDF regional allocations support the thematic objective “Low-carbon economy”. This means that of the total 800 MEUR, approximately 200 MEUR are allocated to the Thematic Objective 4 (TO4).

ManagEnergy Master Class Testimonies, 19-20-21 February 2018

ManagEnergy Master Class Testimonies, 19-20-21 February 2018

Listen to what the Senior staff from 24 Local and Regional Energy Agencies had to say about the first ManagEnergy Master Class.

OÖ Energiesparverband at the Energy Council

OÖ Energiesparverband at the Energy Council

On 17-18 September 2018, the OÖ Energiesparverband (ESV) had the opportunity to participate in the Energy Council Meeting held in Linz.

ManagEnergy Master Class, 1st session, 18-19-20 February 2018

ManagEnergy Master Class, 1st session, 18-19-20 February 2018

The first ManagEnergy Master Class was held today at the Brussels Comic Book Museum, an interesting venue that the ManagEnergy team hopes will inspire our participants.

New ManagEnergy Website

New ManagEnergy Website

ManagEnergy is a European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies with the objectives of assisting them in becoming leaders in the energy transition and of increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities.

ARENE biomethane video in Meaux is now available with English subtitles

ARENE biomethane video in Meaux is now available with English subtitles

The ARENE has been involved for many years in the development of the regional biogas sector and has a concrete role in supporting project promoters and communities in the Paris region (France).

10 years of the Covenant of Mayors

10 years of the Covenant of Mayors

The EU Covenant of Mayors is the world’s largest movement for local climate action and energy transition, bringing together more than 9,200 local and regional authorities across the Europe, determined to take action to help meeting the EU climate and energy objectives.