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A new website for the Covenant of Mayors!

A new website for the Covenant of Mayors!

For a great start into this new year, we are delighted to welcome you on the brand new EU Covenant of Mayors website!

BiogasAction – New developments in Brittany, France

BiogasAction – New developments in Brittany, France

During the first period of BiogasAction, the Association d’Initiatives Locales pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (AILE) has been working on different tasks in order to promote and fulfill the targets in BiogasAction and the different challenges in North-West France.

AURA-EE test the first rural smart grid in France

AURA-EE test the first rural smart grid in France

Watch the promotional video

Registration to the 1st learning cycle of PROSPECT – extended 28 February!

Registration to the 1st learning cycle of PROSPECT – extended 28 February!

The 1st learning cycle will start in May 2018

Interview of Julije Domac in the Journal of the French Parliament

Interview of Julije Domac in the Journal of the French Parliament

Julije Domac on the voice of the regions in Brussels

EmBuild presents a template for the energy efficient renovation of buildings

EmBuild presents a template for the energy efficient renovation of buildings

Check out Embuild’s guidance and template to support public authorities in developing renovation strategies, with a particular focus on the renovation of public buildings.

PUBLENEF Workshop at Les Assises Européennes de la Transition Energétique-2018

PUBLENEF Workshop at Les Assises Européennes de la Transition Energétique-2018

Mieux accompagner les collectivités dans la mise en œuvre de leur stratégie d’efficacité énergétique !

ALEA starts coaching sessions on harmonising SEAPs & SUMPs

ALEA starts coaching sessions on harmonising SEAPs & SUMPs

SIMPLA supports local authorities in harmonising their SEAPs and SUMPs. The project targets small and medium-sized municipalities with a population between 50.000 and 350.000 inhabitants proposing a four-step approach to foster harmonised planning. Dedicated training and coaching sessions, based on a sound methodology devised at transnational level, lead to the joint development of sustainable energy and mobility plans.

Farmers produce their own fuel in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Farmers produce their own fuel in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Within the BiogasAction project, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency (AURA-EE) is making a feasibility study with the collaboration of SCARA planer on a new biogas technology available and developed by the local company PRODEVAL.

Tipperary Energy Agency featuring on the popular ECO EYE TV show

Tipperary Energy Agency featuring on the popular ECO EYE TV show

Tipperary Energy Agency was featured on the Eco Eye show, the longest running and more successful environmental television series in Ireland.