SuperHomes 2030

The SuperHomes 2030 project aims to dramatically scale this service over 3 years, increasing completed retrofits from 100 houses in 2019 (€6M) to 500 houses in 2023 (€36M).

SuperHomes 2030

SuperHomes provides a ‘one stop shop’ deep retrofit service for domestic homes in Ireland.

The expanded and improved Superhomes service would result in 48 GWh savings (between 2020 and 2023) compared to a Business as Usual scenario of 27GWh. This ambition will be achieved through the development of

  • 4 Regional SuperHome One Stop Shops which will engage 80 High-Performance Contractors to deliver quality retrofits nationally.
  • capacity building and training for homeowners/surveyors/contractors/technical staff (>200 people trained)
  • attractive finance solutions independent of public finances, financing >EUR 67m per annum by 2030
  • optimisation of technical analysis and design systems and solutions.
  • creation of open-source energy performance data platforms that demonstrate the value of undertaking nZEB retrofits to the market

A Growth Strategy will be developed which will inform Innovative Business models based on the concept of regional “one-stop-shop”. Superhomes2030 will facilitate a Deep Retrofit Community of Practice (CoP) across Europe where leading experts, practitioners and agencies involved in Deep Retrofit will share experience, knowledge and competency thus driving the retrofit agenda. Technical solutions using best practice standards will be developed which will be future-proofed to include new innovations and technical solutions. Opportunities to expand the SuperHomes model outside of Ireland will also be explored, using linkages created through the European Heat Pump Association and FEDARENE.

If successful Superhomes2030 will implement 10% of all retrofits in Ireland by 2030 and a total investment of EUR 657m from 2020 to 2030, supporting 13,000 FTE jobs in the construction and retrofitting sector, and saving 167 kilotonnes of CO2.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 890492. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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