Climate Change – Overview of regional and local trends, policy and governance

This report explains the actions taken or planned to tackle climate change challenge so far, and how stakeholders, such as local authorities and citizens,
can engage and contribute through their own actions.

As one of the biggest challenges humanity is facing, the effects of climate change are universal and across all aspects of our lived experience (economy, environment, wellbeing etc.). The severe consequences already disrupt the world, and without action, are expected to become even more acute and disruptive.

Cyprus Energy Agency (CEA) has published a report outlining the current stage of climate change, steps taken at the regional and local level and the policy and governance sphere to deal with it. It is up to the governments to collectively take action, at all levels; international, regional and individual. In accordance with the current efforts, Cyprus has set targets and policies in its National Energy and Climate Plan; however, it faces challenges in fulfilling them.

As the EU is already on an ambitious path with its European Green Deal, multi-level stakeholder engagement and governance becomes imperative. Local governments will play an integral role in the efficient realisation of both climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Thus, further promotion and expansion of the role of local authorities in climate action is an important pathway to successfully achieve these targets.

In addition…

Cyprus Energy Agency (CEA) – Cyprus’ building stock – Existing situation, trends and opportunities for energy efficiency

CEA has published its Cyprus’ building stock – Existing situation, trends and opportunities for energy efficiency report, available in Greek.