ENNEREG – Guidelines for Promotional Activities at the Regional Level

The main purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for promotional activities in the ENNEREG Regions. These promotional activities will ensure the successful implementation of the project. They are a useful exercise for the region and can act as an example of good practice for other replication regions.

The main purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for promotional activities in the ENNEREG Regions. These promotional activities will ensure the successful implementation of the project. They are a useful exercise for the region and can act as an example of good practice for other replication regions.

The ENNEREG Project has produced a number of reports based on input from the 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions providing supporting material for the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for regional decision-makers.

The Inspiration Guide, along with supporting documents including Good Practice Case Studies, Regional SEAPs, Financing and many other resources, can be found on the Regions 202020 website at: www.regions202020.eu/inspiration


In the ENNEREG project, Promotional activities are the actions that regions can take, in order to promote sustainable energy development towards the EU 20-20-20 goal and beyond.

The main objective of these guidelines is to build a coordinated strategy for promoting the ENNEREG outputs to the regions. As it is a public deliverable of the project, it will be also used, as a whole or partially, by any region or organisation outside of the ENNEREG consortium that needs guidance in promoting Sustainable Development and in raising awareness of the regional authorities.

Guidelines will facilitate and enrich the work of the partners, regarding the promotion of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan, the Sustainable Energy Projects and the Covenant of Mayors, in their region and in other regions for replication.
Guidelines will not set numbers for achievement but will serve as a tool for revealing the real work done by the partners. In order to be functional, questionnaires were distributed to the regions and each case was taken into account. In the same way, partners will use this document as a free checklist and will adjust it to the real situation and opportunities of their region.

The first Knowledge transfer workshop of the project produced most of the material for this document. The main objective of this workshop was to produce guidelines for promotional activities. Especially partners discussed the planning and barriers of their work and through discussion and presentations, they succeeded in transferring the experience from one region to the other.