FEDARENE responds to EU 2030 Climate Ambition Consultation

The regions, energy agencies and islands of FEDARENE shared their views on EU 2030 climate ambition and related opportunities, priorities and enabling conditions.

The EU has already adopted climate and energy legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Furthermore, it adopted energy efficiency and renewable energy legislation, whose full implementation is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions beyond the existing target – by around 45% by 2030.

As part of the Green Deal, the Commission intends to propose to increase the EU’s 2030 target for greenhouse gas emission reductions to at least -50% and towards -55% compared to 1990 levels. The Commission will assess the feasibility and the social, economic and environmental impacts of increasing the 2030 target.

This public consultation invited citizens and organisations to contribute to the assessment of how to increase the EU 2030 emission reduction ambition responsibly.

EU’s higher 2030 climate targets will help local & regional authorities promote their own higher ambitions to national governments and secure larger support for local action. However, these climate targets will not stimulate the necessary policy response from the Member States unless there’s a clear roadmap with annual national milestones monitored by the European Commission. The solutions, strategies developed by regions, energy agencies and islands must inform the measures set in this roadmap.