Check out the Joint Research Centre’s paper on the divergences and potential gaps in local GHG emissions accounting and aggregation to better inform your SECAP development!
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Achieving 55% GHG emissions’ reduction by 2030 heavily depends on the contribution of cities and their energy agencies.
Solid climate action planning at subnational level requires a thorough assessment of energy consumption and the identification of key GHG emission sources. In this paper, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission analyses the methodologies underlying emissions’ accounting frameworks, together with any simplifications and assumptions that cities and energy agencies shall make due to the the complexity of the local context and the lack of data.
This study aims at identifying divergences and potential gaps in two approaches for GHG emission inventories at local level. It is intended as exemplificative of potential issues and limitations occurring in emissions accounting and aggregation. The two approaches are EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research), in place for the GHSL (Global Human Settlement Layer Urban Centre Database) (GHS-UCDB R2019A) and the BEI (Baseline Emission Inventory) approach developed within the Covenant of Mayors initiative.
Authors: Valentina Palermo, Paolo Bertoldi, Monica Crippa, Camilo Franco, Fabio Monforti Ferrario, Enrico Pisoni – Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Publication year: 2024