
FEDARENE and its members are committed to Repower the EU

In response to the first oil crisis in 1973, the first regional energy agencies were created to support regions and municipalities in managing their energy supply and demand. Since then, EU’s Regions, Islands and their local/regional Energy Agencies have become effective delivery agents of the energy transition in their territories. Facing the urgency of climate mitigation and energy security crisis, their solutions can fuel the necessary acceleration of Europe’s energy transformation. Below we showcase their ready-to-upscale and ready-to-replicate projects from across Europe.

Winter measures for now & 2050

Empowering energy communities in the southeast of Ireland

Empowering energy communities in the southeast of Ireland

Ireland’s South East Energy Agency is delighted to support 60 sustainable energy communities in the four counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, and Waterford. See how the agency is helping Irish communities to begin taking the energy transition into their own hands.

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Helping consumers in Castilla y León face the effects of the energy crisis

Helping consumers in Castilla y León face the effects of the energy crisis

The regional energy agency of Castilla y León, EREN, has planned and enacted a host of measures in response to the ongoing energy crises. From photovoltaics to radio campaigns, find out how energy savings, RES, and efficiency measures are supporting Castillian consumers.

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Good practices of energy sufficiency in the Paris region

Good practices of energy sufficiency in the Paris region

The Paris Region Institute’s Energy and Climate department (AREC) has instigated several actions to develop and promote systemic energy sufficiency measures. The goal of these measures is ultimately to reduce energy consumption by 10% over two years.

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Electrification and beyond with Renewable Energy

Bridging the gap between municipalities and electricity network companies

Bridging the gap between municipalities and electricity network companies

Aiming to address the current shortage of network capacity, Malardalen Energy Agency (MEA) is helping both municipalities and electricity network companies in jointly planning for future energy distribution.

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100 % Sustainable La Gomera: Decarbonisation through Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Microgrids

100 % Sustainable La Gomera: Decarbonisation through Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Microgrids

Find out how little by little, La Gomera, island of the Canary Archipelago (Spain), is becoming fueled by 100% renewable energy, helped by the Canary Islands Institute of Technology.

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EKIOLA: Prosumer PV Cooperatives in the Basque Country

EKIOLA: Prosumer PV Cooperatives in the Basque Country

Read about important role of citizens in driving the energy transition and how they are becoming Prosumers that will participate in the generation and management of PV power stations between 1 and 5 MW in the Spanish Basque Country, accompanied by EVE and KREAN.

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Fuel Switch in practice for heating and cooling

Plovdiv’s path toward more efficient, green, and energy-independent residential heating

Plovdiv’s path toward more efficient, green, and energy-independent residential heating

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv supports the phase-out of firewood and coal use for domestic heating in the City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

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Biomass Criteria for Sustainable Energy Development in the Central and Eastern EU Member States

Biomass Criteria for Sustainable Energy Development in the Central and Eastern EU Member States

Read on to find out how EAP has been leading a national policy-making process for improved utilisation of biomass for heating and advocating the sustainable energy development of the local communities with high biomass-dependency.

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How Upper Austria is eliminating oil heating

How Upper Austria is eliminating oil heating

The region of Upper Austria and its energy agency, OÖ Energiesparverband (ESV) works to get rid of oil heating to replace it by affordable and highly efficient renewable resources with their campaign AdieuÖI.

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Mass building renovation for all

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

Plovdiv Energy Agency strives to showcase the transformative impact of integrated decarbonised and low-emission policies in their journey towards climate neutrality and sustainable energy transitions.

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Promoting energy efficiency & developing innovative approaches in schools

Promoting energy efficiency & developing innovative approaches in schools

The Cyprus Energy Agency is coordinating the PEDIA project (Promoting Energy Efficiency & Developing Innovative Approaches in Schools). It aims to improve energy efficiency and comfort conditions of at least 25 public school buildings in the island.

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Top Condomini: Accelerating residential retrofit in Emilia-Romagna

Top Condomini: Accelerating residential retrofit in Emilia-Romagna

Energy consumption in the residential sector is one of the greatest challenges faced by regions in Italy if they intend to reach national and international CO2 reduction targets. Inspired by their long experience in EU projects, the Italian Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development (AESS) has developed a solution called Top Condomini.

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Transforming Industry towards Climate Neutrality

Networking, a successful method

Networking, a successful method

This best practice showcases the successful implementation of an energy efficiency network, emphasising its pivotal role in catalysing positive changes in the energy landscape of businesses in southern Sweden.

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Sustainable Business Bridge

Sustainable Business Bridge

Also in Sweden, companies and society need to drastically reduce emissions and increase resource efficiency. The Sustainable Business Bridge project helps enterprises to achieve these goals while also boosting business opportunities.

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Energy Transition Leaders in Upper Austria

Energy Transition Leaders in Upper Austria

Developed and coordinated by the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, the “Energy Transition Leaders Initiative”, is a cooperation among 15 pioneering companies implementing the energy transition in a holistic manner and prioritising the phase-out of fossil fuels.

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