Share your contribution to the EU 2020 energy targets by submitting a project to the EU’s most important sustainable energy awards competition!
Illustration : Giorgio Trovato
FINAL CALL FOR PROJECTS – Deadline 28 March 2014
Is your city, private company or association investing in energy efficiency, renewable energy or clean transport? Are you keen to gain EU recognition and visibility for your sustainable energy achievements? Share your contribution to the EU 2020 energy targets by submitting a project to the EU’s most important sustainable energy awards competition.
The Sustainable Energy Europe Awards include five categories:
The ManagEnergy Award, which is only for local authorities and energy agencies, has three focus areas this year: fuel poverty, renewables, and innovative financing.
Winning projects will receive recognition and communication support, press promotion and a free audio-visual production featuring the project’s results. In addition, short-listed (five per category) and final winners will be invited to Brussels to present their project in a special conference/networking event to take place during the upcoming EU Sustainable Energy Week (23-27 June 2014). Travelling and accommodation costs for one representative will be covered.
Winners will be announced during the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2014 in the presence of Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger.
Want more info? Visit the ManagEnergy and Sustainable Energy Europe Awards websites. Check the competition’s eligibility and assessment criteria. Click here to complete the short application form.
Deadline is 28 March 2014.
Contact: David Crous / +32 2 340 30 68.