The EMA Network brings together representatives of national energy authorities with representatives of Cohesion Policy Managing Authorities dealing with energy.
Illustration : Renewable Energy. Pixabay
The EMA Network brings together representatives of national energy authorities with representatives of Cohesion Policy Managing Authorities dealing with energy. It aims to help the Member States make the best possible use of Cohesion Policy funding to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and smart energy infrastructure, as well as energy-related research and innovation.
The inaugural meeting of the EMA Network taking place on 16-17 March also looked at the use of financial instruments to leverage additional investments in energy, as well as the role of energy in the Commission’s Investment Plan for Europe and how to design investments in energy renovation of buildings. In other words, presentations were delivered on how to drive new finance for energy efficiency investments, the EU Cohesion Policy, major projects in this area and its links with Horizon 2020 opportunities, along with the resources for programme and project development the Deep Green initiative. In addition to this, the finance and investments issues side were tackled during several presentations on financial instruments – overview and advisory services or the EEEF- European Energy Efficiency Fund.
Meeting twice a year, the EMA network will act as an informal platform of exchange of information, sharing of good practices, experiences, and latest developments. Working groups will also be convened to work on specific issues, where needed and relevant.