On the 14th of November 2017 a webinar was organised in the frame of BiogasAction during which the European Commission had the opportunity to highlight the current EU policies in support of the transition to a cleaner mobility and presented the prospects opened by “Clean Energy for all Europeans” legislative package and the “Europe on the Move“ initiatives notably regarding the role of biomethane as fuel for transport.
Regional and Local authorities along with their implementing agencies have taken on the development of the European biogas/biomethane sector by focusing on removing the non-technical barriers and by creating better frameworks for the widespread production of biogas and biomethane. The BiogasAction H2020 project is supporting this momentum in 9 European regions and the increase of biomethane use in the transport sector has been a clear focus for some of these regions. Policy makers from all levels have started recognising the use of biomethane as a means to decarbonise the EU transport sector.
On the 14th of November a webinar was organised in the frame of BiogasAction during which the European Commission had the opportunity to highlight the current EU policies in support of the transition to a cleaner mobility and presented the prospects opened by “Clean Energy for all Europeans” legislative package and the “Europe on the Move“ initiatives notably regarding the role of biomethane as fuel for transport. Concrete projects and policies were also presented by 2 regional energy agencies, highlighting the benefits and drivers of the use of biomethane in transport.