Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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Top energy-saving tips for households, companies, and municipalities

Top energy-saving tips for households, companies, and municipalities

After significant time calculating the impact of over 100 different tips, the Upper Austria Regional Energy Agency arrived at a conclusion: these are the top tips to save hundreds of euros per year on fuel, heat, and water. They're simple, considerable, and easy to implement!
Good practices of energy sufficiency in the Paris region

Good practices of energy sufficiency in the Paris region

The Paris Region Institute's Energy and Climate department (AREC) has instigated several actions to develop and promote systemic energy sufficiency measures. The goal of these measures is ultimately to reduce energy consumption by 10% over two years.
REDI- digital meetings for the public sector in Sweden

REDI- digital meetings for the public sector in Sweden

Find out how Nothern Småland Energy Agency is running the REDI project in co-operation between the Energy Agencies of Sweden, which focuses on meeting without travelling aiming for an energy-efficient transport system, with help from digitalization. 
Cargo Bikes are an Energy Sufficient Solution to Urban Transport Needs

Cargo Bikes are an Energy Sufficient Solution to Urban Transport Needs

Discover the mission of Energikontor Sydost, to implement an energy sufficient approach to travel with a cargo bike instead of a car.
Energy sufficiency in the Ile-de-France Region

Energy sufficiency in the Ile-de-France Region

Discover the measures implemented by AREC, the Regional Energy and Climate Agency of the Île-de-France region in order to support the behavioural change necessary for energy sufficiency.
Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Learn about the experimentation of an innovative smart system for public street lighting, launched by the LIFE-DIADEME project by the AGIRE Energy Agency in Mantua, Italy.
Raising awareness about Energy Sufficiency

Raising awareness about Energy Sufficiency

AREC Île-de-France launched a series of six workshops on energy sufficiency in order to integrate this issue into the regional energy and climate strategy.