Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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Oeste Sustentável: a Leader in Sustainable Energy Projects and Investments

Oeste Sustentável: a Leader in Sustainable Energy Projects and Investments

Find out about the different activities developed by the OesteSustentável to lead the Portuguese Oeste Region through an impactful energy and climate strategy, in line with European and national goals.

Competitive through Sustainability 2030

Competitive through Sustainability 2030

The EU-funded project, “Competitive Through Sustainability 2030” owned by the North Sweden Energy Agency, explores how small companies can develop positive energy, climate, and sustainability actions in North Sweden.

Successful Steps in SECAP Implementation of Alba Iulia Municipality

Successful Steps in SECAP Implementation of Alba Iulia Municipality

Read about the measures established by Alba Lulia, leading to the municipality winning the “Sustainable Community – European Energy Award” for Romania in 2021, in line with the Covenant of Mayors objectives and the carbon neutrality goal set for 2050.

Abruzzo Region Network of Education Centre for Environment: a reference for education

Abruzzo Region Network of Education Centre for Environment: a reference for education

In the Abruzzo Region of Italy, a network of more than 40 Education Centres for Environment has been developed focusing on a regional plan of adaptation to climate change.

European Climate Adaptation Award:  Support for German Municipalities fighting Climate Change

European Climate Adaptation Award: Support for German Municipalities fighting Climate Change

Discover the European Climate Adaptation Award, developed by the B.&S.U., which is a quality management process to integrate climate adaptation to municipalities in Germany, after the flood disaster that occurred in 2021.

Sustainable Communities Wales

Sustainable Communities Wales

Read about the role of Severn Wye in providing free resource efficiency advice and specialist support to community organisations across Wales, from 2018 to 2021.

EKIOLA: Prosumer PV Cooperatives in the Basque Country

EKIOLA: Prosumer PV Cooperatives in the Basque Country

Read about important role of citizens in driving the energy transition and how they are becoming Prosumers that will participate in the generation and management of PV power stations between 1 and 5 MW in the Spanish Basque Country, accompanied by EVE and KREAN.

The local Production and Consumption of Electricity: Renewable Energy Communities Make it Possible

The local Production and Consumption of Electricity: Renewable Energy Communities Make it Possible

Discover how the municipality of Kapelln in Austria was awarded the “European Energy Award” in 2019 by setting up a renewable energy community to supply the companies, private households and municipal buildings.

Local Energy Communities: «Centrales Villageoises» – a Local Citizen-owned Energy Communities’ Success Story

Local Energy Communities: «Centrales Villageoises» – a Local Citizen-owned Energy Communities’ Success Story

Discover the story of the creation of the Association of Centrales Villageoises, supported by AURA-EE, whose objective is to put renewable energy production projects at the service of the development of rural territories, in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region of France. Check out the results of the work they have done since 2018.

Solar Roofs – City of Zagreb Program for Integrated Photovoltaic Installations

Solar Roofs – City of Zagreb Program for Integrated Photovoltaic Installations

Discover REGEA’s technical and expert support to the implementation of the Solar Roofs Program to increase the share of renewable energy production with solar roofs in the city of Zagreb in Croatia.

Solar and Precautionary Requirements in  different Built Environments

Solar and Precautionary Requirements in different Built Environments

Read about the project implemented by the Örebro County Energy Agency and the Swedish Energy Agency to accompany inhabitants of Örebro County to install solar panels and create an environment favourable to the establishment of efficient solar production.

Upper Austria: Solar Champions – proud of PV!

Upper Austria: Solar Champions – proud of PV!

Read how the regional government of Upper Austria and OÖ Energiesparverband move closer to making full use of rooftop PV potential and becoming a leader region in PV energy with the development of a largescale solar awareness campaign.