Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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ClimaSTORY: a pedagogical reflection and action tool on territorial climate change adaptation

ClimaSTORY: a pedagogical reflection and action tool on territorial climate change adaptation

How can a board game raise awareness about climate change? Read about ClimaSTORY

Charge ahead!

Charge ahead!

More EVs means more charging stations! Learn how Energikontor Väst is making it possible.

Mönsterås municipality develops long-term strategic work for energy efficiency in buildings

Mönsterås municipality develops long-term strategic work for energy efficiency in buildings

The international project Act NOW works with municipalities in Southeast Sweden to promote energy efficiency management.

The European Energy Award (eea) -Systematically contributing to municipal climate protection

The European Energy Award (eea) -Systematically contributing to municipal climate protection

The eea is a management and certification scheme for municipalities and regions in the energy efficiency field.

Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Presenting the LIFE-DIADEME project dedicated to Smart public lightning.

Energy retrofitting of municipal buildings in Greek islands

Energy retrofitting of municipal buildings in Greek islands

AEGEA, in support o DAFNI, promotes the uptake of energy efficiency measures for the municipal buildings in the Greek Archipelago.

Construction and demolition waste in Central Finland

Construction and demolition waste in Central Finland

Discover how CIRCWASTE reduces, reuses and recycles construction and demolition wastes in Central Finland.

Smart Villages – the village of the future

Smart Villages – the village of the future

The Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria (eNu) developed Smart Villages project through a holistic approach for all areas of life.

Networks for energy efficiency result in dramatic reductions in energy consumption

Networks for energy efficiency result in dramatic reductions in energy consumption

The “Network for energy agency” gathers small and medium size companies that are comitted to have a yearly energy consumption of no less than 1 Gigawatt hours.

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv spearheads Smart Energy Transition through Positive Energy Blocks in Five EU cities

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv spearheads Smart Energy Transition through Positive Energy Blocks in Five EU cities

The Lightouse project “Positive City Exchange” aims to deliver positive energy blocks through integrating smart positive energy solutions and digitale energy services.

COMPOSE: Rural Communities Engaged with Positive Energy

COMPOSE: Rural Communities Engaged with Positive Energy

Discover the COMPOSE Interreg MED project and how it contributed to greater energy efficiency and local development in the Koprivnica-krizevci County (HR) and in the Mediterranean region.

Cycle of sessions focused on how citizens will participate in the new energy model of Catalonia

Cycle of sessions focused on how citizens will participate in the new energy model of Catalonia

Find out how ICAEN is involving citizens and experts in its energy transition process towards an efficient and renewable model in Catalonia.