Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.
Illustration : © AGENEX
The Regional Government of Castilla y León, Junta de Castilla y León, in collaboration with the Provincial Government of Soria, financed the construction of the plant “Planta de Purines de Almazán (Soria)”.
Read more >>The biogas plant in Formigara (Northern Italy) started its operation in June 2006 in the farm company “Agrosocietà” and today works with two primary digesters and two secondary ones.
Read more >>The biogas plant in Gambarana (North Eastern Italy) started the operation in April 2006 in the farm company “Azienda Agricola Castello” with the latest “UTS Italia” technology.
Read more >>This new process has been situated in Vila-sana (Lérida, SPAIN), where the main local activity are the agriculture and farming.
Read more >>BIOGEN Twinwoods Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Plant was conceived in 2003 to solve the problem of dealing with the considerable amounts of pig slurry Bedfordia Farms and to find an alternative and sustainable income for the business.
Read more >>The action consists in monitoring consumptions and uses of heat, electricity, gas and water, providing precise information to organizations established in the Zlín region and informing them about the possibilities of improvements.
Read more >>Wishing to reduce costs of heating and use clean energy and less subject to the vagaries of price that the are the fossil fuels, the Lycée Saint- Charles opted for a central boiler room the wood.