
eTeacher final conference

Changing energy behaviour through an app? Join the eTEACHER final conference to learn more about the project.

The 30 June 2021 from 10:00 to 13:00 Brussels time

Are you interested in energy-efficient strategies to improve the behaviour of energy users? Either you are a policymaker, a building manager or an energy company, watch the eTEACHER final conference.

After four intense years of work, eTEACHER came to an end. As the last step, the project shares the results achieved and the lessons learnt with its community. The webinar explored the world of energy-saving app, present the methodology used and the energy toolkit developed. The speakers also provided suggestions to policymakers to incentivise behavioural change and share lessons learnt by several H2020 energy projects.


10.00 – Opening

10.05 – Presentation of sister projects

10.25 – eTEACHER: intro + poll : Noemi Jimenez (CEMOSA)

10.35 – User-centered design and an energy-saving app: does it work? : Ashley Morton (De Montfort University)

10. 50 – Designing an energy-saving app from scratch: the eTEACHER Tools: Nicolas Mayer (ASCORA), Hervé Pruvost (Fraunhofer), Alina-Elena Nicolae (Granlund), Florian Frank (IFM)

10.30 – Coffee Break

11.45 – Methodology for a successful integration : Juan Jacobo Peralta (CEMOSA)

12.00 – How is it going? Practical examples from our case studies : Francisco Javier Marquez (AGENEX)

12.20 – Suggestion for policy makers to incentive behavioural change : Franscisco Javier Marquez (AGENEX), Andrew Whitley (Notthingham City Council)

12.30 – Lessons learnt from eTEACHER + poll : María del Carmen Bocanegra (CEMOSA)

12.45 – Round table and discussion with partners and sister projects : Noemi Jimenez (CEMOSA), sister projects

13.00 – Q&A