
European Regions & Energy Agencies in Paris for the COP21

See all events scheduled to be held by European Regions & Energy Agencies in Paris for the COP21.

From the 02 December 2015 to the 04 December 2015 Halle Pajol Esplanade Nathalie Sarraute, 75018, Île-de-France France

All events will be held at the Halle Pajol, 20 esplanade Nathalie Sarraute, Paris

See the summary of the events below:

  Wed. 2nd December Thurs. 3rd DecemberFriday 4th December
 Morning ConferenceRegions and citizens acting together against climate change Programme & RegistrationMulti-Level Governance in Sustainable Energy Planning Programme & Registration [COOPENERGY]Europe of the regions on its way to sustainable building Programme & Registration [EKOPOLIS]Civil Society Space

Live the Climate Experience
NoonLunchLunch.Lunch .
. ..
Afternoon ConferenceRegions and citizens acting together against climate change continuation of the programme above – choose one of the 8 workshops proposed: *RES crowdfunding for local authorities*
*Financial tools for local authorities*
* Decentralized cooperation*
*World Wide Views and citizen involvement*
*RES for heating and cooling*
*How to progress in energy efficiency implementation on the regional level*
*Technological innovation for the development of territories: smart cities*
*Education and Training*
Multi-Level Governance in Sustainable Energy Planning see above [COOPENERGY]Energy Savings in Business Parks Programme & Registration [Go ECO]

Financing energy renovation in condominiums Programme & Registration [MLEI POSIT’IF]

Succeeding in the Energy and Environmental Transition, Abruzzo
Europe of the regions on its way to sustainable building [EKOPOLIS]Visit the Paris
river area Civil Society Space

Live the Climate Experience  
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02/12 : Regions and citizens acting together against climate change

A roundtable in the morning will gather a panel of international actors operating at both local and global levels.

In the afternoon, eight workshops will invite us to analyze outstanding international local initiatives that contribute to the fight against climate change, to the local resource economy and the development of renewable energies.

03/12: Multi-level governance in sustainable energy planning

This event presents the results, lessons, tools available, and shining examples from the COOPERNERGY project.

  • Learn how 7 European regions have forged a more collaborative approach between the regional and local public authorities to revise together the Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan taking into account local needs, to implement joint actions for more efficiency and coherence (ex : joint procurement of public lighting), etc.
  • Discover the tools developed now available to you to implement more collaborative sustainable energy planning in your territory

03/12: Energy savings in Business Parks

The conference will discuss technological solutions, efficiency potentials and promising instruments which allow to cut energy costs in Business Parks and raise efficient use of energy as well as application of renewable energies at the same time.

Experts from the European Union, scientific organisations and representatives of energy agencies and of Business Parks will address opportunities and obstacles regarding energy and CO2 savings as well as have a look at the conditions in different European Business Parks.

03/12: Financing energy renovation in condominiums

Which financial and tax arrangements for the energy renovation of condominiums? What are the existing tools? What are the recent institutional inputs?

This event will also be an opportunity to discuss recent legislative developments.

03/12: Succeeding in the energy and environmental transition

The workshop aims to bring together various worldwide examples related to the management and implementation of concrete initiatives and actions in the field of climate change, sustainability and renewables. Its goal is to facilitate the shared understanding of the impact of those initiatives on the concerned territory and population, as well as to create synergies between them. Future cooperation actions will be discussed during the concluding session of the event.

04/12: Europe of the regions on its way to sustainable building

The meeting will aim at presenting new sustainable building assessment approaches, based on exchanges between professionals and learning from each other.

The course of this day is built to demonstrate, in public, what could be a European Commission of evaluation of sustainable buildings. For each region, the presentation of the evaluation process will be followed by the presentation of a project by its actors and an exchange with an inter-professional committee.

30/11-11/12: Civil Society Space

The dedicated civil society area at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference will be accessible to the public from Tuesday 1st December to Friday 11th December (Sunday 6 excluded). It aims at constituting a place for debate and knowledge exchange. There will be different stands, conferences and workshops. The Île-de-France Region will have a stand at the Climate Generation Areas with different themes every day, multiple side events as well as daily culinary demonstrations and tastings.

04/12-10/12: Solutions COP21 – Live the Climate Experience

Solutions COP21 is a free exhibition for all audiences, held at the Grand Palais from 4 to 10 December. It aims at showcasing what the commitment to fight climate change will entail and showing that this fight is also an opportunity to improve the way we live, with new behaviours, new intentions and new professions. Solutions COP21 gives the opportunity to the public to meet actors with concrete solutions, to understand them, adopt them and change the game at last. The exhibition will host associations, cities, businesses, artists, scientists, conferences, practical workshops, concerts, films and several events.