
Integrating Energy Efficiency First in the final update of National Energy and Climate Plans

Don’t miss the upcoming webinar on the inclusion of the energy efficiency first principle in National, regional and local energy and climate plans!

The 29 February 2024 from 14:00 to 15:30 Brussels time

The recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive has strengthened the legal basis for the Energy Efficiency First Principle (EE1st) to support its application. The Governance Regulation of the Energy Union and Climate Action requires Member States to take into account EE1st in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

This webinar of the ENEFIRST Plus project will discuss whether the integration of EE1st in NECPs has improved in the draft NECP updates compared to the first NECPs, and how this could be further enhanced.

It will also showcase the Regio1st project, putting under the spotlights the inclusion of the EE1st, not only at national level, but also at the regional and local level, into SECAPs, and additional local and regional climate and energy plans.

The presentation of the Regio1st project will delve into the good practices from the pilot regions, and the online tool developed to support local and regional stakeholders to manage the inclusion of the EE1st in the local plans, and to develop efficient multilevel governance, to bring the good practices from the ground into the national plans.

Don’t wait any longer:


– Introduction by the project coordinator, Vlasios Oikonomou, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy Foundation (IEECP)

– Insights from the European Commission’s assessment of the draft NECP updates, Veronika Jiříčková

– Summary of changes brought by the fit-for-55 package relevant to the implementation of EE1st by Zsuzsanna Pató, from Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

– Panel discussions about how to integrate EE1st in NECPs:

  • Christos Tourkolias (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Greece)
  • Vesna Bukarica (Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia)
  • How the MICATool can help with integrating EE1st in NECPs, and further developments planned in SEED-MICAT by Niklas Reinfandt from Fraunhofer ISI
  • Presentation of the Regio1st Tool by Vlasis Oikonomou, IEECP