
Integrating nature in the building sector

How can a city benefit from integrating nature into its buildings? Learn from the experience of Malmö and Barcelona.

The 25 March 2021 from 15:30 to 17:00 Brussels time

There are many health and environmental benefits from planting trees, building parks and biodiversity corridors in cities. Integrating nature into urban environments can provide solutions to challenges such as heat stress, floods, air pollution, water management, but also the overall wellbeing and health of the city inhabitants. 

Such solutions are becoming increasingly important due to climate change and the negative impact it has on populations across Europe, but in particular in cities. In fact, the EU, in its Climate Action, emphasizes such initiatives that promote nature-based solutions for adaptation in the face of climate change. Although not all cities have the capacity or space to install parks, alternative solutions exist to remedy this problem, such as green roofs or green walls that can improve the micro-climate of the city. 

The Covenant of Mayors is organising a webinar that presents examples from two cities’ initiatives.

  • Barcelona in Spain and its project of creating climate shelters in school for its population to found refuge during heatwaves.
  • Malmö in Sweden and its Green Blue City Lab matching property owners and builders with practitioners of green-blue solutions. 

The webinar is held on the 25th of March from 15:30 to 17:00 CET

Information and registration.