Do you have any open questions regarding the call application? Join their online Q&A session.
On June 14, 2023 the Joint Programming Platform (JPP) ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems in collaboration with Mission Innovation (MI) launched its new transnational Joint Call 2023 on digital transformation for green energy transition (part of the MICall23 family, under Mission Innovation). Please find all information on the Joint Call 2023 here.
We kindly invite you to our Q&A session on 5 September, 14:00 – 15:00 CEST where potential applicants could meet national contacts as well as the call management to clarify open questions about the call and/or submission system (both national and international).
The EnerDigit Call was launched with a call launch event on 13 June. You can have a glimpse into the documentation here.
To participate, please register to the event by clicking on the registration button on the right at the top of this page.
If you have questions for the session already, you can write them down in the “comment” field in the registration form.