
FEDARENE Joins the Brussels 20k Race, Running for Climate Neutrality

FEDARENE members and staff participated in the Brussels 20k race, highlighting the urgent need to accelerate efforts towards Climate Neutrality and urging collective action ahead of the crucial 2024 EU elections.

FEDARENE Joins the Brussels 20k Race, Running for Climate Neutrality

Brussels, May 26, 2024 – Today, members and staff of FEDARENE participated in the iconic Brussels 20k race, united in their commitment to Climate Neutrality. This race symbolizes our urgent need to catch up and accelerate our efforts toward achieving our climate and energy goals. Despite being behind in our energy transition, renewable energy adoption, and efficiency targets, we are determined to make up for lost time and make significant strides.

We do this [race] as a symbolic gesture to show the effort we all need to make to tackle climate neutrality. We all need to pick up our pace, we all need to do more if we are to reach our 2030 and 2050 goals.

Seamus Hoyne, FEDARENE Secretary General

The Future Is Now: A Call to Action

2024-2029 is the legislative term of the future, and the future is now. The energy transition and climate change challenges are now. The next five years are pivotal in turning these challenges into opportunities. The new representatives of the European Parliament and the European Commission have a unique opportunity to make these years a historic turning point in Europe’s global leadership.

With just two weeks until the EU Elections, European citizens have a chance to elect representatives who will rise to this challenge and drive the necessary changes.

Running for Climate Neutrality Across Europe

FEDARENE’s participation in the Brussels 20k race is a call to action for all citizens, organizations, and policymakers. Together, we can turn the tide and make these next five years a significant chapter in history.

What does “Running for Climate Neutrality” mean in practice across Europe? It involves implementing practical solutions and driving change across the continent. Our Manifesto outlines the necessary steps and strategies to reach this goal. We invite everyone to explore our Manifesto and learn more about the solutions and drivers we propose to achieve Climate Neutrality.