Finalist of the 1st edition of the Roger Léron Award 2015, please meet Fred Nordstrom (Sweden).
Illustration : Fred Nordström
Mr. Fred Nordstrom, Founder of Energikontor Norr, Sweden
The Regional Energy Agency of Norrbotten Energikontor Norr (former NENET) initiates, coordinates and implements projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency and increased supply of renewable energy in all sectors of society.
Fred Nordstrom has built up the Agency from two employees in 1998 to 13 people employed in 2015. Now Energikontor Norr has offices in three municipalities in the two northern counties representing almost 38 % of the land area in Sweden.
His work involves managing projects, conducting investigations, creating and maintaining networks and participating in the dissemination of experiences and best practices. This is done through the organization of activities such as conferences, conducting presentations at conferences and schools, development of articles and reports, brochures, magazines, newsletters and also via our websites.
As the County Council says in the letter of recommendation, Fred Nordström is the father of Energikontor Norr.
Fred, as Managing Director of Energikontor Norr, involved hundreds of SMEs in energy efficiency projects for more than 10 years and saved millions of kWh.
Potential studies for renewable energy in municipalities has been valuable for the municipal and regional planning process and base for the establishment of new business and exploitation of natural resources.
Fred Nordstrom early realized the idea and potential of regional energy agencies and also that all Swedish regional energy agencies together would be a very strong part of national projects with actions on the regional level. Fred Nordstrom contributed to the establishment of the Swedish Association of regional energy agency in the year 2000, and for nine years member of the board and as President between 2004 and 2009
Fred Nordstrom was a great defender of the subsidiarity of Local and Regional Authorities expertise for national decisions (interviews, conferences etc.)
The international perspective has always been important for Fred Nordstrom and Energikontor Norr has been active in international projects for many years. Energikontor Norr has been a partner in projects and similar activities with regions in most of the European countries.
For instance, Fred Nordstrom represented the Swedish Energy Agencies in Managenergy Reflection Group 2004-2008
Energikontor Norr is one of the 12 partners of COOPENERGY aiming to help regional (county) and local public authorities develop joint action plans by using Multi-Level Governance agreements to ensure regional and local authorities are working together to the greatest effect to deliver on the EU 20/20/20 targets.
In 2014, the County Council of Norrbotten became the First Territorial Coordinator in Sweden for the Covenant of Mayor. Energikontor Norr has been appointed to be the coordinator for the Covenant of Mayors
In 2015, the role for Energikontor Norr will be extended:
Fred Nordstrom retired last year. He was a real pioneer in his country; this award could be the occasion to celebrate his outstanding contributions to the development of sustainable energy.
Energikontor Norr has become a recognized regional energy agency with stable ownership and noticed activity. During the time he was the director, Fred was also militating in favour of sustainable energy, fighting against the promotion of nuclear in his country. He received recognition from his colleagues for his remarkable and impressive work.