
Implementing efficient energy policies. An analysis of needs and success stories

In the event several energy efficiency policy best practices in Spain were presented. The main factors that determined their success were presented and discussed.

Implementing efficient energy policies. An analysis of needs and success stories

The “Best practices” were:

  • The PAREER programe presented by Carlos García-Barquero, Head of the Studies and Planning Department of the Diversification and Energy Saving Institute of Spain (IDAE)
  • The Sustainable Building Programme of the Autonomous Community of Andalucía presented by Angel Sáez from the Department of Internationalization and Prospective Studies of the Andalusian Energy Agency.
  • The Alicantes `s provincial Plan of Energy Saving presented by Jose Luis Nuín Director of the provincial Energy Agency of Alicante.
  • The PROMISE Project presented by Mónica Alonso, Director of the Insular Energy Agency of Tenerife.

In the event we also had the participation of Jose Antonio Ferrer of the Unit of Energy Efficiency in Building from CIEMAT that spoke to us about the role of new technologies in saving and energy efficiency and in particular the results of the ARFRISOL project.

Objective & main programme point

The objective of the event were:

  • to present the results of PUBLENEF-WP2 with an analysis of the best practices and needs collected in the questionnaires
  • to understand better the factors that determined the success of the best practices presented
  • to talk to stakeholders in order to define possible roadmaps for WP3

The participants discussed about the main success factors in their policies such as flexibility, versatility, sufficient funds and staff, etc.…It was possible to count with the participation of 2 possible roadmap candidates for WP3  that explained us the main needs, problems and limitations they have in their EE policies implementation, communication  and design.

Other information:

  • Date & location: December 14th 2016 Madrid
  • Organiser(s)CIEMAT