
Join InventAir to fight energy poverty and air pollution

Launch of the InventAir project whose major aim is to explore the multiple environmental and climate impacts of energy poverty by focusing on the development and implementation of clean air and energy poverty policies in Eastern European countries.

Join InventAir to fight energy poverty and air pollution

In September 2018, the Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP) launched the InventAir project whose major aim is to explore the multiple environmental and climate impacts of energy poverty by focusing on the development and implementation of clean air and energy poverty policies in Eastern European countries (EEC).

The InventAir project investigates the distinct specificities of energy poverty in the Eastern European Countries: low-income households cannot afford to change the old inefficient heating equipment or replace the poor quality heating fuels. Thus, they become primary cause for dramatic seasonal increase in air pollution in their communities. The lack of precise data on the quantities and quality of the fuels used makes estimation of environmental, climate and health impacts difficult.

The InventAir project will address the problem by developing methodological framework for making an inventory of the energy poverty, transferring know-how and experience to develop municipal Woodstove Changeout roadmaps as effective policy tools to abate energy poverty and reduce pollutant emissions across EU.

The methodological framework will be developed as an open co-creation session for European experts. Thus, any expert interested and motivated to work on the energy poverty and air quality could join us, network and dive into the debates with the other experts, provide fresh suggestions and feedback on our work. All fellow experts will be listed as major contributors to the project.

The project is implemented in cooperation with Focus Association for Sustainable Development (FOCUS) and Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) and co-funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). it will last from September 2018 to April 2019.

If you wish to know more about the project and the InventAir experts group, please visit: