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Celebrating Three Years of Peer-to-Peer Learning and Sustainable Change with ENERGee Watch

Celebrating Three Years of Peer-to-Peer Learning and Sustainable Change with ENERGee Watch

As the curtains close on the ENERGee Watch project, it’s time to reflect on the three remarkable years of commitment, cooperation, and peer-to-peer learning that […]

Join the experts in discussing the financing of local energy transition

Join the experts in discussing the financing of local energy transition

PROSPECT+ and the Covenant of Mayors are hosting a unique interactive session at the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Kickstart of a new European season: what is at stake for the energy sector?

Kickstart of a new European season: what is at stake for the energy sector?

The president of the European Commission presented today the key policy priorities for the upcoming months during #SOTEU2023. Here are the main energy-related points of interest.

Regio1st workshops: First steps towards the implementation of the EE1st principle in regional and local energy planning

Regio1st workshops: First steps towards the implementation of the EE1st principle in regional and local energy planning

In the frame of the Regio1st project, the pilot regions led successfully the first out of five series of regional and local workshops on the implementation of the EE1st principle into energy planning.

Filip Dumitriu replaces Dominique Bourges as FEDARENE’s Director

Filip Dumitriu replaces Dominique Bourges as FEDARENE’s Director

After more than 30 years of dedication to our European network of regions and energy agencies, Dominique Bourges retires. Filip Dumitriu replaces her as Director of FEDARENE with support from Elodie Bossio as Deputy Director.

Climate adaptation achievements of Regions and their Agencies

Climate adaptation achievements of Regions and their Agencies

Curious about FEDARENE and its member’s main activities on climate adaptation? Check out the following article!

Join the 2nd ManagEnergy Master Class

Join the 2nd ManagEnergy Master Class

The Call to join our 2nd Master Class on the Development and Use of Financial Instruments is now open. Are you working for an energy agency, a city or a region? Apply now!

Empowering Communities, Reducing Emissions: Överkalix’s Vision with FEEL

Empowering Communities, Reducing Emissions: Överkalix’s Vision with FEEL

From Överkalix to the World: The FEEL Project’s journey towards carbon neutrality integrates the concept with frugality, co-collaboration, and sufficiency in their energy strategy, covering energy production, distribution, and usage. They also introduce a Leisure Bank, a shared resource of secondhand sports equipment.

Policy consultation on financing for climate actions: your insights needed

Policy consultation on financing for climate actions: your insights needed

Participate in PROSPECT+ upcoming events as a speaker or guest, share your valuable insights, and help shape policy recommendations for accelerating climate action and energy transformation while ensuring public authorities’ access to financing.

International Clean Energy Challenge 2023: roaring for a greener future!

International Clean Energy Challenge 2023: roaring for a greener future!

On 24-28 July 2023, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, OÖ Energiesparverband, organised the 2023 International Clean Energy Challenge in Spital am Pyhrn. Learn more about this innovative and unique event.